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The gap between the promises you make…

…and the experiences you deliver.

We think it’s a crucial indicator of future brand performance, and yet, it’s hardly measured and barely understood.

How much is the customer Experience Gap costing your brand?

In 2018 we surveyed more than 34000 consumers in the US, UK, Germany and China across 8 categories in order to size the gap between the promises hundreds of brands make and the customer experiences they go on to deliver.

Today, 5 years on, it remains the world’s largest ever study on the value of brand and customer experience.

Our work uncovered a new and transformational way in which to measure the value of customer experience.

We demonstrated that failure to close the customer experience gap is costing brands $millions each year. And we highlighted that it’s not enough to be ‘good enough’ – consumers demand that brands deliver outstanding customer experiences regardless of sector.

Brands are still failing to close the gaps we uncovered in the study – even in a post-pandemic world where investment in seamless omni channel experiences is at an all time high.

In that context, closing the customer Experience Gap remains a key strategic imperative for brands – and one that can deliver significant incremental value in a squeezed economic climate.

Download your copy of the report

Want to find out more?

Gary Hess
Business Development Director

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