Clear and Fluency launch the Brand Desire Engine
AI-powered tool redefines the future of brand-building
Continuing to deliver meaningful change for clients, M&C Saatchi Group’s specialist growth and data consultancies Clear and Fluency launch the Brand Desire Engine, with the ambition to create the largest global living brand intelligence platform.
Leveraging the power of eight AIs and over a billion data points from some of the world’s most trusted living data sources, the tool uses psycholinguistic analysis and machine learning to identify the Signals that identify why brands grow and the Amplifiers that determine how they grow. It then uses publicly available performance data to evaluate brands’ historic performance and future commercial potential.
The Brand Desire Engine looks at the whole picture of brand management and scores each driver – from positioning territories to marketing channels to experience delivery – on its ability to create desirability for that brand. For the first time, CMOs can identify the unique drivers of brand desireas they emerge in real-time consumer behavior and create informed, forward-looking strategies to capitalize on opportunities.
Rhonda Hiatt, Clear M&C Saatchi’s Chief Strategy Officer comments: “Brand desire is the most powerful driver we have in building both brand and commercial value. We no longer have to rely on gut, guess, or less than ideal survey sample sizes to tell us how to build brand desire. Instead, we just need to capture the information the whole world is putting out every day and synthesize it into something clear, commercial, and actionable. This is a game-changer that allows us to create adaptive brand strategies that evolve as quickly as desire – and the world around us – shifts.”
Tim Spencer, Fluency M&C Saatchi’s Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, adds: “This is an exciting example of how data can unlock immense growth opportunities for brands. Every interaction and transaction generates new data that gives us true insight into not only what people think they’re doing, but how they’re actually behaving. Brands not only exist in our shared consciousness, but are being coded at enormous scale, and significant advances in machine learning and AI are helping us to interpret and leverage this data in ways that simply haven’t been possible until now. We’re excited to see what some of the world’s most creative business leaders can do with the Brand Desire Engine.”
Wendy Dixon, M&C Saatchi Group’s Chief Growth Officer, comments: “The Brand Desire Engine is the result of a brilliant collaboration between two of M&C Saatchi Group’s most innovative and strategic global teams and is also an example of how we’re harnessing the power of data-driven intelligence and cutting-edge technology to help our clients grow. This represents meaningful change for both our clients and the Group.”